Writing Up A Storm
And all this wouldn't be possible if I were still working at Walmart. I have a lot of time on my hands until the checks stop coming late July, and want to take full advantage of it while I can!
I'm going to run a little experiment soon, one that will have a big effect on my Vella stats—and that's publishing several new stories, under a pen name. I was originally going to spread them out to five, but I think three is fine.
One is a collection of short stories, another is a short Vella about the exploits of a vampire and her lovers, and the third is a proper serial. One I started several years ago but lost confidence in and prematurely binned.
The short story collection is a mix of science fiction, fantasy, and horror. The serial is science fiction, or cyberpunk, to be exact. I'm really excited about that one! While I've uploaded the others this week (with more scheduled), I'm scheduling the third for next month. I'll also actively promote it, though not through my usual channels.
I might submit it via Bookfunnel and/or Fussy Librarian. Not entirely sure how I'll pull it off yet, but I'll think of something. The others I'd rather go the full organic route; I want to see if people come to it naturally or through my author (pen name) tag.
Like I said, it's an experiment!
And all this wouldn't be possible if I were still working at Walmart. I have a lot of time on my hands until the checks stop coming late July, and want to take full advantage of it while I can! I’m even going to tidy up a short story or two, and publish them directly. Just doesn’t seem worth the hassle to upload them to Kindle Vella, since they’re between 2-4k. And Vella is so hit or miss half the time, it wouldn’t do me any good, financially.
Oh, and I haven't forgotten about my WIP. I finally put the final touches on this first draft. But I must let it sit until next month~. I need to finish these edits for my upcoming serial and draft chapters for Last Train Home.
I'll leave off with some very happy news: Kindle Vella bonuses!

Only $10 more than last month, but I love that consistency! I predict that my next bonus will be much less, as I've been swapping less and relying more on organic reads. I've been pretty lucky recently, but I don't see myself hitting 150 reads by the end of the month. C'est la vie!