Revising the Vampire, week 4

I took a break last week, both to focus more on other projects, but to also flesh out this prequel more. And I got...quite a lot done! I finished the first draft over the weekend.

And it's a lot bigger than I originally anticipated, at almost 7k! I actually plan on fluffing it up a bit in edits, so it may very well hit 8k, for all I know. I still need to title it and find a decent little cover, write a synopsis, and prep it for future promotions (mostly reader magnets).

I last left off with seventeen chapters to revise, and knocked another ten this week. There are only a few scenes here and there that need to be touched up. The rest can be addressed in edits.

A lot of it also touches heavily on spoilers, so I'll be very selective of any future snippets.

And naturally, this week's snippet is from the short story:

They overshot the landing and found their back pressed tight to the railing, Svenja with her foot in the pot. She shook it off, taking care to not shoot it across the landing. The tips of her ears were a deep crimson.

“Did you…”

“Just a sniff. Logically speaking, the scent has long faded, but I was…curious.” She brushed soil from her boot. “I like your fragrance.”

“It’s only soap,” they said, flummoxed. Eddie liked it too, to the point where the two fought over and eventually shared it.

“Doesn’t stop me from liking it.”

Evan couldn’t tell if she was joking or not. “For the low cost of $5.99, you, too, can smell like pine tar, peppermint, and tree oil.”