Neat Things Coming February

Hey y’all! Hard to believe the month is almost over already. The shortest month of the year (and my birthday) is just around the corner, and I have a lot planned!

I’m mostly excited for the updated release of my favorite Persona game, Persona 3 Reload. I’ve got that pre-ordered and everything, and will binge play it on release weekend. I was hoping to finish my first playthrough of another old favorite, Baten Kaitos, by then, but time got away from me.

Games aside, I fell short of my writing goal for my old WIP. I met the word count I set for myself, but I still need to write the last few chapters. The major conflict is settled, so all that’s left is the aftermath, which I’m stoked for! School, work, and a side project have gotten in the way, however. That side project is important, though!

I’m part of two groups aimed at spreading awareness of the Ream platform. The goal is to write and share short stories. One group is doing a sort of “hop” for Valentine’s Day, while the other group will have several writing prompts throughout the year, from March to August. The first group is submitting mostly MM stories, with a few FF. The other should be much more diverse, and will have a month to celebrate trans, nonbinary, ace, and more characters. So that’s something to look forward to!

I Heart SapphFic and Queer Your Bookshelf are also doing a big promotion next month, featuring 99 cent deals! So definitely keep an eye out for those.

The next two months are going to be especially busy for me, as that’s when I’ll be drafting the second book of my tech-noir series, Early Adopter. I’m hoping to make this one longer, by at least 45k. The sweet spot would be 50k for me, but I won’t force it. The first in the series was only 30k, which is fine because it sets the stage for the rest of the series, and I’ll be able to flesh out previously mentioned concepts. Once I’m done drafting that book, I’ll switch focus back to my other WIP or edit another book, we’ll see.

Oh, and my yearly writing goal is going strong! I haven’t missed a day yet (knock on wood), and have written an average of 700 words a day. I think I’ll hit 20k words by the end of the month, if not sooner. I’ll go into more detail on my last post for this month.

That’s it for now! Til next time~.