Closing Time

Well, it's official! My last day of work came earlier than expected, on Wednesday. There was too much dust flying around the store, and I'd been given an EpiPen a few days before; bad reaction to my allergy shots. I'm doing much better now, but my body needed time to heal from the trauma it was put through.

I relayed that info to HR and the remaining managers (including store manager), who all happened to be in the room at the time. They later took me off the schedule for next week, but didn't do anything about this week (too late, I guess?). I'm missing out on easy money, but my health matters more than anything. Plus I can make most of that back on my own.

I also learned that we'll be paid until the end of July, when we receive our severance package. So I have at least 4 more paychecks to look forward to! This also makes me eligible for unemployment, which I'm going to need while I look for a new job. But for now, I'm going to focus more on my writing, while I still have the time.

That means drafting more chapters for my Vellas, especially as the current season of Last Train Home nears completion. I want to have at least ten more lined up by the end of July, so I'm off to a good start for the second season. I intend for The Threads That Weave to be one season only, two at the most. I'll work it out later.

But I definitely want to finish the first draft of my WIP by August! Might do so in June, actually. Work was the only thing holding me back for the longest time. I'm so excited to release it into the world, but I have a lot of editing and revising ahead of me.