A Virtual Playground for Geeks

Most people don't know how geeky I am, especially family (mostly because I tell them little). I like and have tried several different microblogs, from Mastodon to write.as, and lesser known ones like midnight.pub and Bear. I even tried coding my own visual novel a few years ago, and want to properly learn Python now, both for gaming and a skill for future jobs.

I was obsessed with Raspberry Pi's for a good bit too, though I've held off on buying hardware for now. Someday, though!

I mention this today because I've been flirting with the idea of venturing back into these platforms. I already have a self-hosted Mastodon instance, but I'm planning on switching to PikaPods once they have it available. Assuming it's cheaper than what I already pay, that is.

Midnight.pub is another site I've been following for years, but never fully committed to. That or Bear, which I'm more familiar with and have used extensively in the past. I wouldn't be properly blogging on either site, but posting smaller, bite sized content that doesn't really suit my Ghost blog. Plus Midnight allows you to comment on posts.

It's cozy like that. Communal. And sometimes, that's just what I need.

I dislike larger communities, like Twitter or Facebook, where people feel free to express every nasty thought in their heads. Where moderation is either ineffective or minimal.

Anyway, I'm going to stop it here before I start to rant or ramble.

I never stuck with these sites because I wanted a cheap alternative to Ghost, when I should've used them separately. The problem with Ghost is that it's expensive, if you want it work right out of the box. The problem with the others is that they're...under developed, to put it kindly. But that's also the point; they go for the minimal, but are missing essential features I needed for my blog.

But if I just use them for lighter projects or brief blog posts, they have some function.

And speaking of Ghost, I might upgrade my plan soon. The fee is prorated, so I'd get a nice discount. AND more access to better themes and features!

For now, I'll focus on cleaning up my old Bear blog and configure my Midnight account. I may or may not share in the future.